Rhein Ruhr Express prototype train (Rail Color News)

During the press presentation of the first Desiro High Capacity for the ‘Rhein Ruhr Express’ (RRX) on 12.07.2017, the seats were still covered in plastic. But we have some first shots of the train that will enter revenue service at the end of 2018 in the German Ruhr area.

During the next months this set will undergo a comprehensive test program at the PCW before the train will be released onto the German rail network. At the end of 2018, passenger rail operators Abellio and National Express then should be able to deploy the first fully homologated trains.

Most exciting part of the day was entering a RRX train for the first time, and to have a first look at its interior. We first enter a end car, having a look at its multi functional area for bikes. One RRX train can carry up to 18 bikes. One end-car has a toilet for persons with reduced mobility. In the back, hidden under brown covers, are the first class seats.

Full article and photos

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