UK-based rail seating provider Transcal has joined forces with consultancy Factorydesign to develop the new Aerolite train seat. Factorydesign was briefed to produce a new lighter, slimmer and comfortable seat, applied its experience of designing airline seating. The company based the Transcal Aerolite design on the Superlight Series 3 seat that was originally created for UK airline seating specialist, Acro.
Factorydesign associate Matthew Fiddimore said: “Rather than being made of steel, plywood or GRP like typical, current train seats, this one is made of aerospace aluminium, and the seat back is made of composites. This means the seat could be ergonomically profiled, which makes a huge difference to passenger comfort levels.”
For the seat to meet rail industry regulations, it required a higher seat back. However, Factorydesign intended to retain the Superlight’s comfort and space features. At 22kg per passenger place, the Transcal Aerolite has a slim profile that frees up extra legroom for the passenger, or can translate into better passenger density for the rail company.
The seat is fully compliant with all regulations and is also ready for production.
See also extended erm rantings by Ian Walmsley in “Modern Railways”
“Rather than being made of steel, plywood or GRP like typical, current train seats, this one is made of aerospace aluminium, and the seat back is made of composites.” — So good you wrote it twice
[Ooops. Now fixed. Malcolm]
I remember going to a Design Centre exhibition in the late 60s or early 70s, where the latest output from BR research at Derby was being promoted. It included an aerospace-stimulated lightweight train seat design. Looks like it has only taken 45+ years for that idea to come round again!