Luton Airport peoplemover approved (Metro Report)

Luton Borough Council, the owner of London Luton Airport, has approved the construction of a 2.3 km automated peoplemover linking the terminal building with Luton Airport Parkway station. The cost is put at £200m, with the peoplemover due to open by the end of 2020.

Replacing the current bus link from the station is expected to cut the shortest journey times between central London and the airport to less than 30 min.

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  1. “an opening announcement for Luton DART is expected to be made in early 2023”

    Construction costs for the development had risen to £261.7m as of March 31 2021, based on a useful economic life of 40 years only £77m will be recoverable or just under a third of the current expenditure on the scheme, with “an impairment of £184.7m”.

    The residents local authority airport company is the sole shareholder in the Luton DART. Population 218,045 (2019) so £21 per head per year.

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