Highbury & Islington station new entrance planned (Ian Visits)

Highbury and Islington station could soon be better a new additional entrance, if plans to redevelop a long empty site owned by TfL go ahead. Or more accurately, an entrance that was in use until the 1960s could be brought back into use once again…

However, there’s a third railway at the station, the Northern City line out of Moorgate, and that opened a totally separate station on the other side of the road in 1904. When the Victoria line opened in 1968, they closed the Northern City line entrance, and it’s been closed ever since.

But it’s not unused — for it houses signalling equipment for the Victoria line which was added by Metronet as part of the upgrade for the new generation of tube trains in 2007.

As revealed in TfL’s papers, they are now working with Murphy Group for a revamp of the disused entrance to create a new ticket hall with lifts to the Victoria and Northern City lines.

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