Friday Reads – June 2, 2017

If you have something you feel we should read or include in a future list, please email us at [email protected].


  1. Wolfram on Cambridge North is fascinating.
    Recommendation – please, everyone: read it.
    There are a couple of important philosophical points in the article, too.

  2. As a mathematician and someone who has always been interested in patterns, I really enjoyed reading the Cambridge North article.

  3. I know I am an ancient pedantic stick-in-the-mud but the use of Train Station instead of the time honoured Railway Station really jars with me. However the article was fascinating.

  4. A possible addition to “Friday Reads” in a slightly different format:
    BBC 2’s The Fiteen Billion Pound Railway – two episodes, available on iPlayer for a little while.
    Interesting views, if a little “breathless” in its presentation.

  5. @Greg Tingey

    BBC Two’s top rated show of the year so far, which is nice. 3.35m live viewers.

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