Friday Reads – December 15, 2017

Welcome to Reconnections’ Friday Reads. This week’s lineup:

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  1. Didn’t some some local Liverpool St trains have monster doors? (maybe they still have). I seem to remember one such train passing me as the LO train I was on left Liverpool St.

    Today is the 15th, not 17th as shown in the header, Had me worried for a minute as I’ve still not done my Christmas cards yet 🙂

    [Whoops. Corrected. PoP]

  2. The Paris doors use cartoon like jaws, whereas London Underground introduced what are, in comparison with Paris, very conservative jaws on the Victoria line trains several years ago. I wish I could recall the exact date; they weren’t there on the first train in service and I vaguely recall they were fitted as part of the measures taken to discourage people getting clothes caught in the doors when they were inside and setting off the sensitive edges.

  3. TransPennine Express trains (the electric Anglo Scottish fleet for sure, not sure if it is every train) have had the monster doors for a while.

  4. Bit confused by the “Sleeper Trains” keyword. If it’s down to the Grand Hibernian reference in the design piece, shouldn’t there be a “Hyperloop” keyword too?

    For the avoidance of doubt, I’m very unconvinced that LR needs either of those keywords!

  5. @Balthazar

    Yes due to the Grand Hibernian reference. There is another LR sleeper train article in the works (currently in a siding)‎.

    In general we are slowly expanding our topics categories. LBM

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