Friday Reads – August 4, 2017

Thank you to link contributors. If you have something you feel we should read or include in a future list, please email us at [email protected].


  1. The Centre for Cities’ report is pertinent and demonstrates just how much money may have been wasted on road construction in the name of economic development. But it is not new being at least the fourth major study coming to the same conclusion since the Leitch Report (Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment) in about 1980. But none of these seem to have filtered through properly. Perhaps it’s another example of people only being prepared to believe what they want to believe.

  2. Quinlet
    Actually “Buchanan” pointed this out, long before, simply by showing how much rebuilding & destruction would be “necessary” to full accomodate an auoto-centred town or city or country.
    Buchanan Report for information – I have the Penguin version.

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