London’s Lost Pneumatic Railways Talk – LURS 9 August 2016

Long Branch Mike will be presenting at the London Underground Railway Society (LURS) on Tuesday 9 August, 2016, at the Society’s monthly meeting, on the development and evolution of the Pneumatic Despatch Railway, the world’s second oldest underground, as well as on other pneumatic railways of the era that were started and proposed.


The talk is based on the LR article which covered the topic, as well as its prequel article on Lapsed historian, but with additional information on other pneumatic railway schemes.

The talk will be illustrated by a visual presentation and will be followed by a question and answer session.

Before and after the talk a sales stand with London Reconnections magazines will be available.

Doors open at 18:40 for a prompt 19:15 start.

The Upper Room
Allsouls Clubhouse
141 Cleveland Street

Tube: Great Portland Street

Hopefully we will see you there.


  1. Is this talk open to the general public, or just to members of the LURS? And is there any charge for admittance?

  2. Other pneumatic railways covered include the Crystal Palace demonstrator line of 1864, the Waterloo and Whitehall Railway which was started in 1865, and many other pneumatic railway lines were promoted and planned by Thomas Rammell, engineer of the Pneumatic Despatch Company.

  3. Excellent presentation, answering detailed questions at the end very thoroughly.

    (attendance recorded as 56+17 ‘visitors’)

  4. I’ve added four photos from the talk to the LR Photo Pool. The talk was standing room only, 73 attendees. LURS will publish a summary of the talk in the fall. Thanks to everyone who came. Mike

  5. Enjoyed your talk. Looking forward to reading your summary in the English Autumn.

  6. Is there going to be an extended article?
    I couldn’t make it – halfway through replacement-computer-&-software problems, yuck.

  7. To provide an update, I’ve been researching Thomas Rammell’s Crystal Palace pneumatic railway and Waterloo & Whitehall Railway, fortuitously finding much material, at least one other proposed pneumatic railway line, as well as some details of the excavations and archeological digs at Crystal Palace Park. Hence there is much detail to incorporate, which will push out publication until mid-2017 at the earliest. LBM

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