Reminder: LR Christmas Drinks Tonight

Deck the ticket halls with boughs of holly, Christmas is here!

This means that today’s LR meetup will, in essence, be our Christmas drinks. So if you fancy sharing some yuletide drinks with the writers and readers of LR, then please do join us tonight upstairs at the Blue Posts on Rupert Street in Soho. A map is below, but full details can also be found on our meetup page. Hopefully we will see you there.


  1. A merry Christmas and happy new year to all readers and contributers from down under, cheers Alan

  2. Sorry I missed it. But thanks to the writers for another great year. And to all the commenters too. Happy Christmas to all!

  3. I regret not being there but suitably correct Winterval* greetings to all, and Merry Christmas to the rest of you…

    *Perhaps someone could dig out the spoof Time Xmas cover which appeared some years back showing “Goodwill Man Claus”.

  4. As organiser of this monthly meet-up, yes, thanks to all who turned up and have done throughout this year and especially to PoP, who provided an ample supply of tasty home made mince pies for the occasion.

    Hope that even more of you readers can make it soon – our next will be on Thursday, 14th January – and every second Thursday in the month thereafter, thanks to my continuing friendship with the friendly pub management.

    I am still trying to work out how we can persuade Graham H and Walthamstow Writer to attend, even if they may be ‘Anonymous’ when there (but not hovering under cover for long, I guess). Offer a pint to anyone who walks into the room – that might be a start.

  5. Graham F: Given, as you say, that people can choose to be anonymous at these gatherings, it is logically possible that either or both of the star contributors you mention might have already come, occasionally or frequently, but choosing not to identify themself.

    I can confirm that the gatherings are good occasions with friendly chat. I was sorry that another engagement stopped me from enjoying PoP’s mince pies this year.

  6. @ Graham F – I have considered attending but I’m a terrible old grump, have just about stopped drinking alcohol and, sad to say it, am not terribly brilliant in group type situations with “strangers”. I don’t doubt I’d get a decent welcome but it’s not the sort of thing I do much of these days. Heck none of the editorial team have ever met me despite scribing various articles over the years and ranting away in the comments sections.

  7. Oh bother! Just read this…

    Particularly irritating as I was in the area on Thursday night!

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