Deck the halls, it is that time of year again! Twenty questions to test your transport knowledge with the promise of prizes for those who do best. This year those prizes include, as usual, a selection of transport books but also something rather different. For this year we decided to think slightly out of the box in our quest for unique prizes and, with our tongues pressed slightly in cheek, we asked Crossrail if they’d provide us with some samples of genuine tunnel spoil. To our surprise they agreed.
So if you fancy trying to explain to friends and family why you seem to own a small tube of dirt (we suggest going with “Fewer people have touched that spoil than have walked on the moon.” It might work) as well as some excellent transport books then follow the entry instructions below. If you just fancy playing for fun, then that is of course acceptable too.
Finally, before we begin, a quick reminder that we’ll be out for our monthly drinks tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Rose and Crown in Southwark. As always everyone is welcome and who knows – if enough beer (and mince pies) are consumed there may well be a hint or two revealed.
Happy Christmas everyone, from all of us here at London Reconnections and once again thank you very much for reading!
How to Enter
To enter send your answers to [email protected] with the word “quiz” in the subject line somewhere before January 1st 2014. To try and keep things fair, please resist the urge to to post answers in the comments – although clues may be permitted (at my discretion).
The Questions
Q1: The easy warm up question – where are we? Or rather where were we and what happens next?
Q2: Which Railway Junction is featured in this 1919 painting? Who painted it?
Q3: Mark Wheeler was the last man standing – why and when?
Q4: Where are we? And who owned this station when it was suddenly closed in 1940.
Q5: There is a station on the Underground with a rather unique claim to fame – it is named after a Street that doesn’t actually exist. What is the station?
Q6: Where are we? What is the moving tale behind this picture?
Q7: 2013 saw the death of Margaret Thatcher, a Prime Minister rather keen on privatisation. So what was the only nationalisation to take place during her time at Downing Street?
Q8: Where in London will you find these four Olympic “survivors”? And why is one of them not really a survivor at all?
Q9: What former Metropolitan Line station can now in some sense be said to be under itself? It was a station then, and it still is now…
Q10: Where are we? And what would be perhaps the easiest way to get to Oxford from here today?
Q11: What thread links Holdsworth, Black, Straub, Groag, Sewell and Wallace Jones?
Q12: What station is pictured below?
Q13: Twitter was full of birthday wishes for the Underground in January. But the one below was rather special. Who tweeted?
Q14: What do a portrait of John Hough, Annie Mole’s blog and a Brazilian oil company, have in common? Clue: A glass of a singularly popular German Beer might inspire you.
Q15: Which station approach is this?
Q16: What links a Pacific monarch, an angry bird, war surplus generators, Cornish holiday makers, a not so southern port and a not so northern railway line?
Q17: Next year will mark 100 years since the beginning of the Great War. Where in London will you find this most recent addition to the memorials to fallen railwaymen?
Q18: Who is supposed to have admonished staff at a London terminal with the words, “Not so fast next time, Mr Conductor” following a seventeen mile journey that took twenty two minutes.
Q19: Historically speaking, Kings Cross and St Pancras are two of only three London terminals that truly make the grade. What is the third?
Q20: And finally it is time for “Tingey’s curse” – the dreaded “guess the line” question. So which of London’s iron roads is this? What was the power output of the traction units used (you will probably find it easier to give the output in imperial units)?