Steam at Edgware Road and Earl’s Court

Following on from yesterday’s article, which included photos of the steam test at Baker Street on Sunday morning, below are a selection of photos of the same Special Train at Edgware Road and Earl’s Court.

As several commentors on the previous piece pointed out, it appears that the locomotive was indeed in light steam for most of the exercise. This really does make for a stunning contrast with the surrounding modernity (which, in some cases, isn’t even that modern).

All these photos help highlight something that sometimes it is easy to forget amidst the politics and logistics, both for us as commentors and for London Underground itself. This is that ultimately the Underground is at heart about railways and railwaymen (and women), both the traditions and indeed duties of which are as important now as they were 150 years ago. The methods and technology may have changed, but the day-to-day business is arguably still the same.

Thus far it appears that 2013 may give us a good range of activities that help celebrate that past, whilst not interfering with the need to keep improving the future.

Images are copyright/credited to BowroadUK, and you can find more on his excellent photostream here.

Steam at Edgware Roard

Steam at Edgware Road

Preparing to leave

Preparing to leave (at Earl’s Court)

"Well the mileage is good, but the MOT is a nightmare"

“Well the mileage is good, but the MOT is a nightmare”

The old and the (relatively) new

The old and the (relatively) new

30587 from the front

30587 from the front (at Earl’s Court)

30587 from the rear

30587 from the rear

Sarah Siddons, present as a viewing platform

Sarah Siddons, present as a viewing platform

A closer view of Sarah Siddons

A closer view of Sarah Siddons

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