TfL have confirmed that the 3-year Blackwall Tunnel refurbishment programme will begin on the 7th of February.
This will mean that the northbound tunnel will be closed between 21:00 and 05:00 from Sundays through to Fridays. Northbound traffic will be diverted through the southbound tunnel (with a 20mph speed limit in place) and Southbound traffic will need to use other Thames crossing options.
The refurbishment largely revolves around safety and modernisation works – updated fire and incident detection systems will be installed, access for emergency services improved and a new CCTV system installed.
In other Blackwall Tunnel news, London First (the Business Interest Group) have released their response to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy. Much of it is as might be expected, but it also includes the suggestion that the possibility of Blackwall Tunnel tolls being used to finance a crossing at Silvertown be investigated.