In Pictures: Blackfriars Bridge Work

This month saw widening work on Blackfriars bridge, photos of which are below.

The major lifting work had been completed and the new ribs on the eastern side are in place. At the time the pictures were taken, the span nearest the north bank had not been widened.

The new ribs were placed using a floating pontoon. The first two images are a few of those that featured in the last New Civil Engineer (who hopefully won’t mind us including them here) show how this was carried out. At the time our photos were taken, the floating pontoon was still on the river, and a close up can be seen below.

Finally, included is a shot of the western side of the bridge where the remaining ‘mushrooms’ from the old railway bridge can clearly be seen. Those nearest the bridge will be used for the widening of the western side at a later date.

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